Friday 18 October 2024

It's Been A Long Time

 ...getting from there to here!

Finally managed to extract a couple of boxes from my loft (thanks to someone else climbing the ladder).


The first ones out of the gates are the 'Gauls'.  As far as I'm concerned this means fast warband rather than solid - like the Germans (whose box I cannot find).

So the relevant DBA army lists are:

1.14 a-c    Early Northern Barbarians
2.11          Gallic
2.53          Ancient British

The first list has 9 x 4Bw so I'm swerving that one.  

The other lists give a more standard mix of Wb(F) plus LCh. The Gallics can substitute Cv for Lh and solid Wb for fast.  

I am puzzled by one aspect of the 1.14b army that allows for 2 x 4Bd. Cannot find any reference to such figures. The blurb says some nobles wore bronze armour but of what sort there is no indication.  

Nevertheless I will be transporting this box to Gt. Houghton tomorrow  all things being equal.  Might take another small box or two.

Next on my list is a huge mess of two tins labelled 'Indians' and 'Elephants Plus' but more on that next posting.


For those who wonder where I have been - I have been wearing a path to various local medical facilities. Had a bad reaction to my Covid jab.  It's not good getting old.  

No DBA gaming to report on but I did manage to visit the club on Monday night and watched a DBMM game. 

A few figures have received a lick of paint as well- mainly Russian Napoleonics and some additional Isles & Highlanders.

Hopefully my health will improve so that normal service can resume asap.




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