Sunday 24 October 2021

BARS - What's In a Name?


                                                                               Bulgar HC

Whilst checking the requirements for my DBAv3.0 Slav armies my eyes strayed down the page to the Avars and Bulgars.  Much to my surprise (and delight) I could put together these armies, largely, from my Slavs and early Russians.  Of course the figures might be quite different!  Time to consult ADA80.

Illustrations 75 to 80 (pp 95-97) show Slavs (sort of).  Item 78 is actually a Pole and 79 a Hungarian.  However...para 4 says "Their costume is otherwise no different to that current in Western Europe, the Slavs being greatly influenced by foreign fashions of dress."

For the cavalry Fig 85 is an Avar that looks similar to some Sarmatians I have in another tin.

The Bulgars get little mention - only a passing reference to the Volga Bulgar Lh - nothing on the cavalry or infantry.

The 'Slingshot Index 1964-2010' doesn't have anything to contribute (no change there then).


MAA491 'Armies of the Volga Bulgars & Khanate of Kazan'(I may well acquire this one at Recon);
 MAA333 - 'Armies of Medieval Russia 750–1250' (May be out of date given its number).

So the available information is pretty sketchy.  On-line research found the following:

(a)  'Ethnic Origins of the Bulgars' [interesting discussion]

(b)  'noch mehr Bilde & Fakten zu Slawenschlachten' [about the Slavs - if you can read German]


15mm Miniatures (if I have missed any please let me know):

(Essex) HSA11 - Avar HC
(Essex) HSA11a - Avar EHC
(Essex) HSA12 - Avar horse archers
(ND) DSC01 - Avar mounted general
(ND) DSC02 - Avar cavalry  [No Picture] - lamellar armour, boots, lance, bow, plumed spangenhelm, buckler
(ND) DSC03 - Avar/Hungarian horse archer - tunic, trousers, boots, firing bow, buckler slung
(ND) DSC04 - Avar [foot] - coat, trousers, spear, bow, fur trimmed hat

(Essex) HSA3 - Bulgar horse archer
(OD) ASC01 - Bulgar horse archer - tunic, fur-edged cap, sh, bow, shooting
(OD) ASC02 - Bulgar horse archer - tunic, fur-edged cap, sh, carrying bow
(OD) ASC03 - Bulgar horse archer - tunic, fur-edged cap, sh, bow in case, carrying jav/lgt sp
(OD) DSC06 - Bulgar cavalry - long coat, sp, bow, helmet, buckler
(OD) DSC07 - Bulgar cavalry - long top coat, waving sabre, bow, fur-trimmed helmet

(Essex) HSA7 - Slav foot archer
(Essex) HSA8 - Slav spearman with axe & shield
(Essex) HSA9 - Slav javelinmen
(Essex) HSA10 - Slav MC
(Irr) V13 - Rus/Slav Archer
(Irr) V14 - Slav javelinmen
(OD) BYC11 - Slav cavalry - spear, almond shield, helmet
(OD) DWC02 - Slav cavalry - tunic, trousers, javelin, buckler


ADA80 - Armies of the Dark Ages 600-1066 (2nd Ed) by Ian Heath Pub: WRG 1980
BARS - Bulgars, Avars, Russians & Slavs - one of my tins.
DBA3 - De Bellis Antiquitatis v3.0 by Phil Barker  Pub: WRG
Essex - 15mm Ancient - Asiatic Hordes -
Irr - Irregular Miniatures -  [Dark Ages range]
ND - 'New Era' Donnington -
OD - 'Original' Donnington -
Slingshot Index - 1964 to 2010 version

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