Saturday, 21 December 2019

Hell, Hull & Halifax

Risked a journey to the Calder valley - fine going there but not so good coming back.  Of course I made a diversion to the Model Shop in Halifax.

Checked online for some info on these legendary creatures - various theories:

Seems that they were notorious, bad-tempered, drunkards.  Spent a lot of time fighting humans especially the Lapiths.

One exception, Chiron tutored heroes like Achilles. Firenze helped Harry Potter.  According to Nonnus Cyprian centaurs had horns.  Similar legends abound in India & Russia.

Some more for my stock.  Only 2 chariots is a bit mean - good job I had all those old Atlantic models..

A few odd items...

JHG3 - Static Grass No.3 Autumn Mix 2mm  (for my 'arab' bases)
K&S Brass Rod 51mm (for spears)
Model Color 70.985 Hull Red (just liked the shade of reddish-brown).

I think that there is a club meeting on Monday (before the xmas festivities) so will try to attend.  Having missed so many over recent weeks my game stats look like they have been attacked by moths.  Need to patch up what I can before putting the results on the website. 

Regular readers will know that I do not celebrate the annual commercial greedfest but I will wish you all a...

Happy New Year for 2020

Thursday, 12 December 2019

More Books

Two more Dr Who books read:

The last from Al's collection.  This one features the Tom Baker version (one of my favourites).  Of no use for skirmishing as the opposition is an extremely powerful trans-dimensional creature.  Not a bad yarn though!

Interestingly this, and its companion books, were written prior to the launch of the latest Dr Who incarnation.  Set in Roman times it is about aliens fueling the carnage fire so that more victims are created.  An interesting premise but I don't entirely buy it. 

As it happened I  did see some Dr Who figures for sale on Black Friday but couldn't discover what scale they were.  My figures are around 35 to 40mm in height so 25/28 scale would not fit with them.  One of these years.....

Should have been at Recon on Saturday but I wasn't well enough.  I had wanted to purchase a few items.  Needs I wait for Vapnartak (February) now.

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Squaring the Circle

After a discussion with Sonic I started thinking about my South & Central American figures.  So I ferreted about in the loft to dig out two plastic boxes marked 'Meso-Americans'.

Box 1 contained a full WRG 6th Edition Aztec army (all Tin Soldier figures).  When DBM came in the army was so emasculated it was not worth fielding.  Given that the 2016 army lists have made many changes I hoped that there was now a viable force to be had - such hopes were soon dashed. 

 Box 2 contained a mixture of figures and manufacturers.  Sorting that lot out will take time.

 As it was approaching the  'Black Friday' event I was tempted by the Lurkio advert and decided to order a few items:

 1 x     Mapuche Generals - MPBG01    £1.00       3 figs (gen pointing, gen mace,
                                                                                           gen spear)
1 x     CaƱari General - CABG01          £0.60        2 figs (gen pointing, conch blower)
1 x     Moorish Prince LMBG01           £0.75        1 mtd figure
1 x     South American Camp Set - SACS01         £4.50        2 figs, 6 llamas,
                                                                                                6 saddle-packs
1 x     Moorish Subordinate General LMBG02     £0.75        1 mtd figure
1 x     Inca Slingers - VARIETY PACK - INBG06     £7.00        25 figs (3 varieties)

p&p = £3.73

Never having dealt with this manufacturer before (and the contact address is in South Africa) I was a little apprehensive.  Nevertheless I put in the order on Sat 30th Nov and it arrived on Wed 3rd Dec - pretty quick turnaround.

Under the previous owner Lurkio packs were £14 for 24 foot figures.  Now there are 'pack breakers' with only 4 figures @ £3.  This makes forming DBA armies a lot easier.

The figures are on the slim side and approx 18mm from head to toe.  Curiously the mounted duo are split at the waist with the legs molded onto the horse.  Unlike, say, Baueda there is no locating peg so it will be necessary to glue and probably fill the void.

Once I work out what I have in Box 2 I can think about ordering more from Lurkio.  Watch this space.......