Tuesday 4 May 2021

Breaking Up The Ottomans (Pt.2)


The Impetus for this action came about when I tried to form an Ottoman DBN army.  Amongst my tins and boxes was a (mostly) unpainted DBM Ottoman army languishing in dark obscurity. As a DBM force it was lackluster and soon abandoned (I'm told it works in DBMM though).

After doing the necessary research (see earlier postings) I added various musketeers and more modern guns to the Nap army.  Play testing has further slimmed down my requirements.  So this left quite a number of unpainted and unidentified figures.

Time to look at the 15mm sites.  Outpost & Museum were useful especially as they revealed many of the figures were Turkoman Lh or Cv.  The 'rump' of this group have yet to reveal their origins.

My first plan is to reserve figures for a later Ottoman DBA army (the earlier is largely Lh that can be 'fudged').  The DBN army is complete and I am moving on to the Qajars.

The Turkomans - Book 4 - 49 Anatolian; 77 Black & White Sheep

Combining the two lists gives these requirements:

1 x Art; 2 x 3Ax; 2 x 3Bw; 2 x 4Bw; 1 x Cv(g); 6 x Cv;
1 x 7Hd; 6 x Lh; 2 x Ps bow; 1 x Ps hg

I do not have the Art, 3Bw, Hd or Ps hg (my current Ps are Xb).

This does not account for all the available Cv & Lh that I seem to have - only 7 & 6 respectively.  

Turkomans do, however, crop up in other armies:

4.6a -     Remnant Syrian states - 4
4.8 -      Ghurid - 4 "Turkish horse archers"
4.20 -     Ayyubid Egyptian - 2
4.22 -     Serbian Imperial - 2
4.24a -   Khwarizmian state - 1
4.24b -   Khwarizmian refugee - 6
4.35 -     Mongol Conquest - 3
4.42 -     Islamic Persian - 1
4.45 -     Mamluk Egyptian - 2
4.46 -     Ilkhanid - 1
4.52 -     Later Nomadic Mongol - 2
4.65 -     Wallachian or Moldavian - 1 "Turkish horse archers"
4.67 -     Jalayrid - 1
4.75 -     Timurid - 3

Looks like I will be purchasing the extra figures to make up these Turkoman armies.  What comes after that depends upon me identifying the remaining bare metal.

Don't hold your breath!

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