Two From Helion:
(1) Elephants & Gunpowder - SE Asian Warfare 1380-1700 by Stephen Turnbull (now there's a name I haven't heard for a while).
I have had this book for about 2 weeks but only just got around to looking at it.
(2) Kerns & Gallowglasses - Newly arrived - another one going into my reading pile.
Saturday 1st March - DBA - Gt. Houghton
2.70a Burgundi v 2.78a Late Imp Roman (W) 5:2 loss
2.80a Attalid Hunnic v 2.72d Other Frankish 4:2 loss
2.83a Visigothic v 2.81c Amorican 4:3 loss
3.21b Lombard v 3.65 Nikephorian Byzantine 4:3 loss
Near the end of the last game I was 3:2 up and in a good position. Ian remarked that I was going to win but I managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory (thanks dice gods).
Saturday 15th March - DBA Gt.Houghton
2.49 Marian Roman v 2.45c Spartacus 4:0 win
1.61b Early Carthaginian v 1.36c Sicel 4:3 loss
1.12 Sumerian Successor v 1.6a Early Bedouin 5:3 loss
1.25a Middle Assyrian v 1.20b Syro-Canaanite 5:2 win
Saturday 15th March - DBA - Gt.Houghton
3.78 Scots Isles & Highlands v 3.46 Norse Irish 4:2 loss (CC)
4.47 Golden Horde v 2.58 Alan 4:0 win (CC) *
1.53 Saitic Egyptian v 2.7 Achaemenid Persian 4:1 win
2.47b Early German v 2.49 Marian Roman 4:2 win
4.49 Anatolian Turkoman v 4.56 Order of St. John 4:0 loss
* neither of us got our third group onto the table. CC = Collision Course
Making good progress but stuck on the Light Chariots and Artillery. Need more MDF bases as well.