Monday 12 August 2024

Stray Thoughts & Scattered Dreams


 Atlas of the Battles of the American Revolution 1775-83 by Bonk & Anderson

 This solid tome was recently on special offer at £20 from Helion.  At that price I could not resist.  Looks like a well crafted book with plenty of maps.

Thought it might be time to get all those 20mm Americans & Brits out of loft!  Then reality stepped in and reminded me of the current ban on climbing chairs & ladders.  Unfortunately (or fortunately) until my balance improves those Airfix armies can slumber on.  

Also occurred to me that I may have some British up there as well!  15mm figures purchased decades ago from a shop in Doncaster.  Of course the model shop no longer exists (now an 'adult' premises).  

Sadly yet another wargames establishment has shut down - Janco Toys at Worsborough.  The owner needs to devote his time to looking after his sick partner.


Something Dropped Into My Lap

I had run out of ideas for blog posts.  Inspiration was sleeping late (or later than me anyway). Maybe a look through some old box files would help!  Of course the lid of one gave way and spilled its contents all over the place.

Amongst the papers were a few things that had been 'put away for later' ...and later never came.  3 items needed further investigation:

1)  "Suggestions for HotT Naval Elements" [author unknown].  Only 2 pages - eminently sensible and easy to incorporate into HotT.

2)  D3H2 v2.0.  There were obviously pages missing - no idea where the disc is.  I contacted Thomas J Thomas (one of the authors) who kindly sent me a copy of the latest version (2.1).  This will probably be the last pro tem as he is helping to develop DBA Fantasy.  Have played D3H2 a few times in the past and found them OK.

3)  Hott With A Difference by G.Branco.  Posted to 'theminiaturespage' a few years ago (email address is no longer valid).

An attempt to add some colour/individuality to 'vanilla' HotT.  New army lists have restrictions and troop abilities.  Of course only play-testing will tell.
Now, if my camera & computer will talk to each other I could set up a trial game.......Hmm!


On the Paint Tray:

Nap Russians - 15mm cavalry & artillery
Ancients - 15mm Anglo-Saxons - slow going and dull,
Fantasy - 20mm Elves - need some extras (about 6 points short) - time to research Elven mythology.



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