Sunday 4 August 2024

New Purchases - Pt.2 Light Box



Emart Foldable LED Light Box - taken using natural light (very sunny).

A pure indulgence.  The assembly instructions were/are not super clear.  After studying the diagrams I made my first attempt.  Two more tries later I got it right (or close enough).  There's still one piece of net that I don't know what to do with.

For the first set of pictures taken with this box see the previous posts (Bedouin & Sea Peoples).  The backdrop colour selected was of a sandy hue (to match the figures) but it turned out pink.  Maybe I had the wrong light setting (3 available). Pleased with how much shadow elimination there is.  Obviously more practice is required. 

For the pic above I used 100% light and a red background.  Have to admit it makes the figures look like something out of a video game.  

     Huns - 1 x Cv(g); 2 x 2Lh; 2 x 4Bw  [When I find my 'Germans' they can share a box/tin]
     Knights - 1 x Serbian (white - for Ottoman army); 1 x Welsh (mixed - manufacturer unknown);          1 x Mixed (for general use)
     Artillery - general piece (stone-thrower)

It was only when I tried to import the pics that I ran into trouble.  Support for 'MyFinePix' has been withdrawn.  Shotwell was not happy on my system either but the 'native' Windows program worked (sort of). Cleared all traces of Shotwell and MyFinePix.  Re-installed Shotwell.  Worked well enough to get the last photo.  What a pallava!


On order (Essex) - 12 Medieval Polish Knights (for 4.66 Later Polish); 8 Italian Xb (for Golden Horde);
                   8 Generic DA/Early Med Spearmen (always seem to be short of these).
         (Helion) - book on AWI battles.

Still on the painting tray: Russian Napoleonics & Anglo-Saxons.

DBA @ Gt.Houghton - Saturday 3rd August 2024

1.11a  Akkadian             v 1.10 Melukhkhan    8:3 win   Double DBA - I steamrollered my Pike forward.
1.25b  Early Neo-Assyrian   v 1.23b  Later Vedic Indian   4:1 win   Collision Course - Ian struggled to get his troops on the board.
1.9  Early Syrian           v 1.1b Early Sumerian   6:0 win     standard DBA - this was 'hairy' to start with but then the terrain effects took over.

The last time we played I was wiped out - loosing all 4 battles.  Just goes to show what a game of skill DBA is!

Still frustrated by the appalling formatting on this blog.  Cannot cleanly exit from the program either.  Seems that I need to look for another host!

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