Monday 20 April 2020

Of Chariots & Spies

6 x 4h 'Chinese' chariots Hch - converted from Early Carthaginians.  [the 'before' picture is two posts earlier].  No pretense at representing any particular dynasty they are just generic.  Of course there should be 3 crew but I cannot fit the extra bod in.

Next off the painting table will be 10 x Early Carthaginian 4h Hch (proper ones this time). 


One of the Harry Palmer series but I didn't get the vibes of that character when I was reading it.  Not one of Len Deighton's best I fear. 

Unfortunately I am nearly out of , non-PDF, reading matter but have some on order - wait and see!


Isolation has meant that I am doing various jobs that have been put off for years - clearing my garden for example.  Trouble is I have filled my garden bin - no collections until further notice and the tips are shut as well.  Bit of a log jam!

Sorting out my loft has shown just how many unpainted figures (metal and plastic) I have awaiting my attention.  Also a load of terrain pieces half done.  Have plenty of paints but many have dried out a bit.  Any suggestions as to how to resurrect them?

Anyway....on with the motley!

Sunday 5 April 2020

Some Painting Done

Yes, I have been painting again:

(a)  8 elements of Thracian peltasts - Forged in Battle WE-TH06 Thracian Light Infantry. 
[Sorry the picture is a bit dark].   I will definitely purchase the other peltasts box in due course.

I actually fielded them at the last club meeting but they were unfinished at the time (cries of Shame! Shame!). Now I have enough painted figures for a full early Thracian DBM army.  At the last battle Andy and I managed to break one enemy (Early Carthaginian) command for a winning draw.

(b)  3 elements of Hittite spearmen/pikemen - re-based & inked.  Ian did the primary painting.  Only need 1 x 2h chariot to have all the Hittite DBA options.

(c)  6 elements of 4h Chinese chariots - [picture in a previous post] - re-painting, sourcing crew, re-basing - nearly finished.

 In the queue:

- 10 elements of 4h early Carthaginian chariots - only assembly and minor touch-ups required.

After that:

- a mass of damaged figures/models in the 'repairs' box

- quite a number of part-painted figures including Carolingian cavalry & NW [Red] Indians

- a ridiculous amount of bare metal & plastic


Trying to read the Brown book on the Qajars but I much prefer a paper book in my hands to a pdf on the screen.

"Portable Colonial Wargame " by Bob Cordery - another pdf (if I like the book I will get the printed version).  Thinking about using this on a PBEM basis.


Tabletop Simulator - this weekend Steam had a half-price sale.  There is an independent group working on DBA v2.2 (and later 3.0) so, maybe, I can get some real wargaming action!

One of my New Years' Resolution was to stop being a wargaming butterfly - you can tell how well that has turned out!

Anyway...soldiering on.