Sunday 21 July 2024

Honest Al's Chariot Emporium - Pt.3 (Sea Peoples)



Al: My friend Ishmael, "What troubles you?"
Ish: "Those fanatics who tried to kill our glorious leader.  They broke open a nest of scorpions.  The palace guards and tax collectors are everywhere."
Al: "In these trying times caution must be our watchword.  I trust that none of your current enterprises could bring suspicion upon honest merchants such as ourselves."
Ish: "As it happens I was recently obliged to pass on a new contract to a rival trader, in another town."
Al: "And should this commerce ever come to light!"

Pictures taken at the same time as the Bedouins - so background is still pink.  Must make notes on settings in future.
A number of conversions here including Airfix Robin Hood into Ps bow.  The 4h chariot should be 3h but nobody makes them in 20mm.  Maybe I will try to scratch-build one sometime in the future!


DBA - Gt.Houghton - Saturday 6th July 2024

1.58  Meroitic Kushite     v 1.53 Saitic Egyptian        4:3 win - a tough army to start with
4.47  Golden Horde          v 2.58 Alan                        5:0 win - my 2 x Bw did sterling service
4.53  Zapotec                    v 4.63 Aztec                      4:1 loss - once the enemy Bd got into                                                                                            Bw & Ax  I was doomed
1.29b Later Philistine        v 1.22b New Kingdom Egyptian      4:3 loss - first outing for a newly                                                                                                                                  completed (20mm) army
4.29  Tupi                           v 4.29 Tupi                       5:0 loss - a bad set-up on my part
1.46b Kushite Egyptian   v 1.6a Early Bedouin          4:3 win - a weak opponent with too many Ax


On the paint tray

a) 15mm Russian Napoleonics (for DBN)
b) 15mm Huns - Cv(g), 2 x Lh & 1 x Art
c) 15mm Polish/Russian 5 x solid foot
d) 15mm Gauls - mostly fast foot
e) 15mm Scots Isles & Highlands - my order for Bw, etc has been lost in the ether

Next blog entry - 20mm Kushites

1 comment:

  1. Very nice - I am always interested in the varied careers of Airfix Robin Hood and his band. Looking forward to seeing what you do for Kushites!

    (P.S. - for my Sea Peoples HCh, I used a Hittite-style two-horse chariot with three crew)
