Monday 15 July 2024

Honest Al's Chariot Emporium - Pt 2 (Bedouins)



"Honest Al my friend. What can I do for you?"
"Feisal my compatriot and fellow trader I have a small problem to deal with."
"Always happy to the right price of course."
"A regular customer has ordered yet another chariot...that I can easily supply...but he also wants some camels!"
"Most unusual...and how many are we talking about?"
"Around 20.  Including 2 fast ones."
"Not really my speciality but I may know someone."
"Of course there would be a commission!"
"Such is commerce my friend,  such is commerce."

I had been sorting through my 20mm 'Biblicals' and found a box marked 'Bedouins/Hebrews'.. There were precious few of the latter as most had gone to make 7Hd elements.  So was I going to pick them apart, re-paint and re-base?  Not likely!  The army lists are pretty poor so they are safe where they are.

The Bedouins are another matter.  Only 1 x Lch 2h, 2c required (I'm 'in the groove' with these at the moment).  The infantry I can manage although there is little variety in the available figures.  So what's the stumbling block?  In order to complete the Midianite/Amalekite list I need 17 camels.  

Consulting PSR I came up with:

Caesar   H023     - Bedouin  (2)
Italieri ITA 6010 - Saracens (5 in 2 poses)
Italieri ITA 6124 - Mongol cavalry (3)
Italieri ITA 6126 - Arab Warriors (3)
Linear-A 036      - Persians at Cunaxa (2)

Clearly the best options are from Italieri but these are hard to source.  The Linear-A models are full of character but are only 2 per box.

Caesar H023  - Bedouin  (4 - bow armed)
Zvezda 8031  - Carthaginian Numidian Cavalry (7 - jav no sh)

So, after much work, here are my 20mm Bedouins - all 23 elements.

If you are wondering about the pink backgrounds - well that's another story.  Stay tuned!

Next blog entry - Sea Peoples.

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