Friday, 31 January 2025

Breaking up the 'old' Carthaginians - Pt.1a - Phoenicians


15mm Carthaginians were amongst my earliest 15mm purchases (mostly Minifigs).  A few figures were added over the years but mostly these soldiers slept soundly in the loft.  Now that I am, largely, converting my DBM armies to DBA they will get some wargaming usage.  The first DBA armies to be split off are the Phoenicians.

1.35(a-d) Cypriot or Phoenician 1000 - 332 bc


1 x 2h,2c LCh (g); 1 x 2h,2c LCh;
1 x 4h,3c HCh (g); 1 x 4h,3c HCh;
1 x 3Cv(g); 1 x 3Cv;
1 x 4Sp(g); 8 x 4Sp (hoplites);
7 x 4Ax (spearmen)
4 x 2Ps (jav, sling or bow)
1 x Art (bolt-shooter)

The only models that I don't have (or cannot approximate) are the LCh.  Some research required methinks.  

According to AANE by Stillman & Tallis (p189-190 figs 191-192): "Earlier types [of Cypriot chariots] would closely resemble 9thC Neo-Hittite or and Assyrian vehicles.......for yet earlier chariots refer to [fig] 115."

pp151-152 - Levantine chariotry 12th to 10thC bc: "The chariot remained virtually unchanged from earlier Canaanite and Syrian types."

Well...I can find some of these early types in my 'biblicals' box.

So that's the figures sourced.  What about some re-painting?   

The Phoenicians derived a considerable income from the sale of their dyes (especially the Tyrian Purple - middle).  I'm guessing that only the generals could afford to wear that particular colour.  The top and bottom could be worn by the citizen 'gentry'.

The shield shown in AANE (fig 192b, p190) "has a red centre and small red dots on white petals against a black background...other shields could have long, pointed bronze bosses."  Helmets seem to have varied (fig 191a p190).

I have a number of old Minifigs citizen spearmen with flat round shields that are destined for this Phoenician army.  The more 'modern' Minifigs (hugely bigger than their predecessors) will be retained by the revised Carthaginians.

The only puzzle left is the 'hoplites'.  Chris has helped me on this one so I will put up another post specifically on that subject.

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Just a Few Notes

 It's been very quiet on the wargaming front what with poor health, car troubles and the weather.

Doesn't help that we now have a petulant brat in the White House and billionaires playing a combination of Monopoly and Risk. 



Books - seem to have purchased a number of them recently - when will I get the chance to actually read them? 

Rif War - one of my peripheral interests - two books on offer so I troubled the plastic.  The Spanish Foreign Legion were fighting from 1909 with the more famous French forces as 'Johnny Come Latelys'. 


A useful resource discovered via another blogger:

MagWeb Master Magazine List

A real treasure trove of articles on wargaming subjects.


DBA 'Missing' 15mm Armies - the annual availability check has been carried out with somewhat predictable results: 18 - 10 - 25 - 54

Under Construction by me are:

Book 1 - Assyrians       
Book 2 - Armenians & Jewish
Book 3 - Slav, Spanish & Norse-Irish
Book 4 - French, Maori, Scots Common, Islamic Persian, Jalayrid, Portuguese & Spanish)

I have plenty more in the unpainted lead mountain but, for the time being, I am ignoring armies that Ian already has.


DBA - Gt.Houghton - Mon 6th Jan

An odd day (of the week) and only 2 games:

1.44a    Babylonian v         1.34c Hebrew         4:2 win
2.25      Bosporan v            2.23 Arab                4:3 win


Next posting - 3D Printing - examining this labyrinthine world.