It's been very quiet on the wargaming front what with poor health, car troubles and the weather.
Doesn't help that we now have a petulant brat in the White House and billionaires playing a combination of Monopoly and Risk.
Books - seem to have purchased a number of them recently - when will I get the chance to actually read them?
Rif War - one of my peripheral interests - two books on offer so I troubled the plastic. The Spanish Foreign Legion were fighting from 1909 with the more famous French forces as 'Johnny Come Latelys'.
A useful resource discovered via another blogger:
MagWeb Master Magazine List
A real treasure trove of articles on wargaming subjects.
DBA 'Missing' 15mm Armies - the annual availability check has been carried out with somewhat predictable results: 21 - 11 - 29 - 62
Under Construction by me are:
Book 1 - Assyrians
Book 2 - Armenians & Jewish
Book 3 - Slav, Spanish & Norse-Irish
Book 4 - French, Maori, Scots Common, Islamic Persian, Jalayrid, Portuguese & Spanish)
I have plenty more in the unpainted lead mountain but, for the time being, I am ignoring armies that Ian already has.
DBA - Gt.Houghton - Mon 6th Jan
An odd day (of the week) and only 2 games:
1.44a Babylonian v 1.34c Hebrew 4:2 win
2.25 Bosporan v 2.23 Arab 4:3 win
Next posting - 3D Printing - examining this labyrinthine world.