Once you learn how to keep 3 balls in the air your brain says, "how hard can a 4th be?" It's a trap that almost all wargamers fall into.
In my case I was making slow and steady progress on the 15mm (ancients) metal mountain. New DBA armies have been coming out of the sausage machine all year. So that's well and good?
Then I suddenly thought about all those ex-Armati 20mm 'biblicals' sitting in the (Really Useful) plastic boxes. Turning them into DBA armies should be a piece of cake! Unfortunately life is not like that.
The first step was to examine the current stock.
(1) New Kingdom Egyptian - separate out the core army from the allies. The NKE force is complete with chariots.
(2) NKE Allies - Libyans, Nubians, Sea Peoples, etc. No chariots.
(3) Trojans - need to be split into Achaians and Trojans. Plenty of chariots.
(4) Sea Peoples / Philistines - no chariots (again).
(5) Medes - cannot find the cavalry (could use some of the Lydians I suppose). Infantry only partly painted.
There is a theme here - a lack of chariots. Best to consult PSR and raid my spares box. No doubt there will be a lot of conversions to be done (more of that later dear reader).
Of course my painting area has even more models requiring attention - notably Russian Napoleonics and the ex-Risk ships.
So 5 balls in the air at the same time. I dare not look in the loft.