Friday, 12 August 2022

Scraps From the Table


A few more elements finished - 4 x 3Kn 'French';  1 x 3Kn 'German' & 1 x 3Kn unknown 'barrel heads' (all Old Minifigs I think).

Looking to employ them in the future I needed to do some research.

DBA Lists 4.4a & 4b combined (the ones that I cannot 'fudge'):

2 x 4Sp (communal militia);
2 x 4Sp (feudal spearmen);
2 x 4Bd (mixed weapon foot);

1 x 5Hd (ribauds);
1 x 4Ax (dardiers);

1 x Art (stone-thrower or springald);

21 foot plus 1 Art

As my Wars of the Roses DBM army lacks Sp buying 2 packs for this army seems a good fit.  The Art could be employed by a Hun army (if I am careful in my selection).

So that leaves 2 x 4Bd, 1 x 5Hd and 1 x 4Ax to justify - watch this space!


On the paint table - 2 x 3Cv Abbysinian (Eureka - at last) - for Meroitic Kushites)
                                  3 x 3Pk stinkards (ditto) - for Polynesians
                                  8 x 4Sp Polish/Russian peasants (Old Minifigs)
                                  5 x 3Kn Spanish with adaja shield  (Minifigs I guess)

Re-organisations - Warband - loads of German foot to be converted to 'solid' Wb plus a much smaller   selection of Gallic types ('fast' Wb).
                 - Indians - this box has risen to the surface at last.  What a mess of painted, part-painted and bare metal.      

To stock - 4 x Russian 1813-15 Hussars (Essex) - now only need 2 more to complete my DBN Russians

On order - Kushites from Lancashire Miniatures.  This was my fifth attempt to place an order.  Paypal threw me out after I supposedly paid for my goods.  Had to contact LM by email to place a successful order.  Incidentally this has also happened to some of my Essex orders in the past.  May have been caused by my anti-virus software trying to prevent a phishing expedition.  Be warned viewers/readers!  Will have to check my next monthly bank statement very carefully.

So where am I going with yet more Kushites?  Well there were other post NKE armies in the highlands.  These are the shortfalls:
     1.38  Libyan Egyptian 745-728 bc - more an NKE morph so I will ignore it (for the time being).
     1.46a Early Kushite 745-728 bc - 1 x 2h,2c LCh gen; 1 x 2h,2c LCh - on order from Lancashire
     1.46b Kushite Egyptian 727-664 bc - 1 x 4h,3c HCh gen; 1 x 4h,3c HCh; 2 x 4Sp (*Meshwesh     Libyan settler militia); 1 x 4Ax (Egyptian spearmen);
           1 x 4Bw (Egyptian archers) - the cost of buying new is prohibitive so I will be looking at Ebay and show traders.
           *Meshwesh at this time referred to a military caste rather than ex-Sea Peoples so I may be able to find something suitable.
     1.46c Later Kushite (663-593 bc) - Only the 2 x HCh to find
     1.53  Saitic Egyptian - 1 x HCh gen; 2 x 4Bw (guard & levy archers); 1 x 4Ax (levy) - 8Bw & 8Ax on order


Saturday 6th August 2022 - Gt.Houghton - six games of DBA v3.0

1.58   Meroitic Kushite         v   2.64b  Eastern Roman           4:0 win
1.4b   Guti 'Great Revolt       v   1.11b  3rd Dynasty of Ur       6:1 loss
4.44a  Post-Mongol Russian      v   4.30   Teutonic Order          4:2 win
4.77   Black Sheep Turkoman     v   2.58   Alan                    5:2 loss
3.14c  Bulgar                   v   3.65   Nikephorian Byzantine   4:0 loss
1.15   Later Amorite            v   1.2a   Early Egyptian          4:0 win

Monday, 1 August 2022

Kushites & Others

 Some progress on the Meroitics:

 Kushites - 5 x 4Sp & 2 x 4Bd - Essex
                  4 x 3Bw & 1 x2Ps - from my 'arab' tin - probably old Minifigs

Decided against the Elephant general as it is very likely to either get itself into trouble or charge off on its own.

On order: 6 x Abbysinian Cv & 9 x Pk(F) stinkards - Eureka UK (since 21st July)


On the painting front - a bit done but mostly just oddments:

 1 x Lh - Ottoman Sipahi - a stray - manufacturer unknown
3 x Mtd Inf - Wars of the Roses period - Museum Miniatures

1 x Cv - Georgians - for Golden Horde use - Essex
2 x Cv - Spanish (Punic War period) - had these old Mikes Models figures for years - supposed to be Spanish but they look more like Celts to me.
3 x Cv - Indians - Tin Soldier
Also... 2 x 3Cv Assyrians, 1 x Turkoman Art & 1 x Turkoman 7Hd  (I forgot to photograph these).

On my paint tray:

8 x Sp - Russian/Polish peasant infantry - no clue why such a surfeit of riches!  Many are lacking their axes and so require javelin substitutes.
8 x 3Kn - assorted Medievals - including French, German, Serb & Welsh gentry
6 x 3Kn - Spanish (El Cid period) - again a bit of over-supply

This is my latest attempt to get at least a few of my armies into some sort of order.  Of course I should not have been sidetracked by the Kushites.  

Unfortunately there is still a sizeable hillock of unpainted metal to contend with.  This is ever the wargamer's lot.

Saturday, 16 July 2022

Meroitic Kushite - "What a Difference a Decade Makes"


This is a tale of vanishing figures.

In 2010, Steve of DBA n Stuff, posted an article entitled "Meroitic Kushite".  It showed how he used QRF figures to build his army. I thought "I can do that!"  So I went trawling the internet to find them.

No sign at QRF but there were hints that the range had been sold on. A veil had been dropped.

Further checking found pictures of these figures at 'Scale Creep'.  Apparently SC had acquired 'Feudal Castings' & 'Black Hat' at that time.  The new company was based in the USA but shipped from Turkey. Another veil brushes the floor.

Even more recently this range has been transferred to Thistle & Rose USA.  OK, more hassle but soldiering on...  Unfortunately EU/UK VAT regulations now get in the way so that the company will not supply to the UK or EU.  A third veil tantalises.

I sent a message to the TR Facebook page (no website) but to no avail.  Enquiries on DBA Fanaticus also do not look positive so that's yet another figure range dead and gone.  Frustrating but true.


On-line Sources:

(1)  "Ancient Nubia and the Kingdom of Kush, an introduction" by The British Museum

(2)  Meroë -

(3)  Kingdom of Kush -

(4)  "Meroitic period of the Kingdom of Kush" by The British Museum

(5)  "Meroitic Kush – the miniatures" by Timurilank

(6)  "Meroitic Kush" by Timurilank

(7)  "Meroitic Kush and the Noba" by Timurilank

(8)  "Meroitic Kushite" by Steve

Thursday, 14 July 2022

Meroitic Kushite - Pt.1 - Figure Research

Meroitic Prince (public domain)

My regular opponent and I try to field as many of the DBA armies as possible.  At the last review we had 94 of those in Book 1.  Notable omissions are in the post New Kingdom era and area - Libyan, Kushite and Meroitic.  The last took my interest so I started to do some research.

"Armies of the Ancient Near East 3000 to 539 bc" by Stillman & Tallis - WRG 1984

p110 (text) & p111 (figs 36 to 37) show 7thC Libyan or Kushite foot - skirts, feather and (for the spearman) a distinctive stretched square on the shield.  

p116 (text) & p117 (figs 50 to 51) show Nubian warriors that are quite similar with the Medjway having a cap not unlike the Meroitic prince.

p91(text & fig 1) Pre-Dynastic Egyptian warrior looks suitable as well.

Nothing directly on the Meroitics so I went looking for suitable 15mm figures to 'fudge'.


Alternative Armies (Dark Ages)

AR7 Arab Negro Archer
AR8 Arab Negro Spearman
BL7 Blemye Elephant with crew

Essex Miniatures

AEA16  Arab Berber Javelinmen
BS23a  Libyan Swordsmen
BS28   Midianite Arab Archer
ANK11  New Kingdom Nubian archer
ANK26  Saite Egyptian sp round sh
ANK27  Saite Egyptian sp long sh
ANK28  Kushite Egyptian sp/jav
ANK29  Kushite Egyptian archers (no pic)
ANK30  Kushite Egyptian slingers
ANK31  Kushite Egyptian 2h chariot archer & driver
ANK31a Kushite Egyptian 2h chariot gen & driver (no pic)
ANK32  Kushite Egyptian 4h chariot archer, sp & driver
ANK32a Kushite Egyptian 4h chariot gen, sp & driver

300ABY08 Abyssinian Light Cavalry

FEG14 Libyan javelinmen (no pic)

West Sudanese tribal infantry archers
West Sudanese javelinmen

15 EY18 Nubian javelinmen

Peter Pig
79  Midianite foot bow

There is, of course, another manufacturer that has more suitable figures - but that's a story for part 2.

Friday, 17 June 2022

Re-arranging Deck Chairs



The army above is for 4.49 Anatolian Turkoman.  If I want to convert it into 4.77 Black Sheep or White Sheep Turkomen I will have to add: 1 x Cv, 1 x Ps bow, 1 x 7Hd levies & 1 x Ps handgunners.  The odd Cv element plus a 'dark ages' 7Hd are next on my painting board.  The Ps can be fudged as DBA v3.0 doesn't care what the figures are armed with.  Best get on with painting the Hd and Cv elements then!

Those with a long memory may recall that I posted about the break-up of my DBM Ottomans, and the intention to build a Turkoman DBA army, back in May/June 2021.  Somehow it has taken 13 months to come to fruition.

So that's fine and dandy isn't it? would have been if not for the recent acquisition of a load of Tartars.  It seems that the picture I posted (of said Tartars) was formally identified as being of the Huns.  Why do I feel that I can now vaguely see a warning sign saying "Danger Quicksand".

As it happens, en passant, I painted up 2 x 4Bw Huns. Formerly the only proper Huns I possessed were serving as Lh(S) in my Yuan/Ming armies. Now if I promoted some of my other oriental Lh to (S) and rounded up some of my 'german' 4Wb I would have the basis for a 2.80a Attalid or 2.80b Sabir army.  

OK - so back to the DBA army lists.  

(a) Turkomen 'morphs' - shortages are:

4.42 - Islamic Persian - 2 x Cv, 1 x 3Pk (Afghan)
4.75 - Timurid - 1 x El, 1 x Cv (Georgian), 1 x 3 Pk (Afghan)

I have the Georgians and parts for a suitable elephant.  The Afghan 3Pk may be harder to source.

(b) Tartar/Mongol Morphs

As regards the recently acquired Tartars I still have a problem.  In this case size matters - best to keep them separated from the Turkomen.  I have 3 x Cv & 5 x Lh elements in hand. So which variants are worth considering?

3.44 - Tribal Mongolian - 4 x Lh (Mongol)
4.35 - Mongol Conquest - 1 x Art
4.46 - Ilkhanid - 4 x Lh (Mongol), 1 x Art, 1 x 3Kn (Frankish).  
4.47 - Golden Horde or Successor - 1 x 3Wb (Siberians).  
4.52 - Later Nomadic Mongol - 1 x 7Hd.  
4.67 - Jalayrid - 2 x Lh (Mongol), 1 x 7Hd

3.44 & 4.46 both require 9 x Lh (Mongols) & 4.67 only 7.  Don't know if I even want to field such armies!

Being somewhat short of non-chinese artillery I need to acquire more.  A Mongol gun plus a Hunnic stone-thrower look like they will be attacking my plastic soon.  

So there we have it dear readers - my targets for the present.

Monday, 23 May 2022

Tartar Source


                                  By Wacław Pawliszak - Muzeum Narodowe, Warszawa., Public Domain

 What's in a name?  Tartar or Tatar?  Well...from my research:
(a) Source:

"Historically, the term Tatars (or Tartars) was applied to anyone originating from the vast Northern and Central Asian landmass then known as Tartary, a term which was also conflated with the Mongol Empire itself."

(b) Source:

But.."it was not until the 16C that the term Tatars was used" [when the Golden Horde came into existence].

Whatever the case these are Mongol successor states.

So what's my sudden interest?  Answer - I was given 40 Mike's Models cavalry figures recently:

RP25   Tartar Noble Cavalry  [16] - small plain round sh, no boss
RP26   Tartar Cavalry with Bow & Shield  [8] - round sh with boss
RP27   Tartar Cavalry Standard Bearer  [16] - diagonally cut sh

As many of you will know MM figures are somewhat on the small side so do not blend well with modern castings.  So I needed to find a DBA army where I could use them (almost) exclusively.

(c) "DBMM v3.0 Army Lists - Book 4" - 4.47 - Golden Horde & Successors 1251-1556

p46 - lines 7-10:  "This list covers the 'Tartar' armies of the Golden Horde until its final overthrow by the Crimean Khanate in 1502."

So I have a candidate and an army list (DBA 4.47).  Now for some illustrations:

(d) "Renaissance Armies 1480-1650" by George Gush
        NB Scans of a large part of this book are available free on-line.

Chapter 18: Persian & other easterners
illustrations - p94(a) & p96(p,q)
The texts on pp96-97 are pretty skimpy.

(e) "Armies of the Middle Ages, volume 2" by Ian Heath

pp 174-5, figs 145 to 148 (3 mounted & 1 foot) - the bow is shown but only in the text is there mention of "a lance 'like a boar-spear'".

In addition to Cv & Lh there are a few other options which I may need to source:

       2 x 3Bw (Bessermeni) or Lh (Cuman);
       1 x 3Bw (Armen) or 4Xb (Italian) or
             3Wb (Siberian) or Cv (Georgians)  

Bessermeni seem to have been a Turkic peoples living on the edge of Russian territories.  Cuman Lh & Georgian Cv I can take from other boxes.  The Armen(ian) Bw, Italian Xb & Siberian Wb will go onto my 'bring & buy' search list.

Oh Well.....just another addition to the lead pile!

Monday, 16 May 2022

To Pastures New


                                                    From "zycie w grodzie" - 11thC polish peasants

A little earlier than my target but I reckon close enough for the 'unfashionable' peasantry.


I found these old Minifigs scattered amongst various boxes.  The 'armoured' types were used for an earlier (6thEd) Ghaznavid army, whereas the 'arabs' were serving in a Western Sudanese force.

So what are they and what should they look like?   A little voice told me to look in the Minifigs catalogue.  Lo and behold they were there:  Z340 - Russian/Polish Peasant Infantry, Fur Cap, Axe

Consulting the veteran WRG publication - "Armies of Feudal Europe & Crusades 1066-1300 ad"....

Fig 101 Polish Peasant Infantryman (p96) shows the combination of bow, shield and throwing axe.  

Fig 104 11th-12thC Polish Heavy Infantryman - this is an elder who could afford better equipment.

Fig 113b Russian Peasant Infantryman (p101) illustrates the fur cap. The text says "Lower-class Russian infantrymen were practically identical to their Polish counterparts.

Clearly the Minifigs casting is an amalgam of all 3 references.

Online there is precious little in the way of illustrations for anything except the knights of this period but the Osprey book 445 - "Medieval Polish Armies 966-1500" by David Nichols - can offer a bit more.

Plate E has a couple of peasants - light (dull) blue tunic with contrast colour at hem and cuff, darker cloak, dull green leggings, strappy shoes - light or darker brown.

 The text may offer more but I do not have the book.

So what am I going to use these figures for?  Consulting the DBA 3.0 army lists I found:

3.63a - Polish 960-1200 - By using 16 of these warriors I can manage the 4 x 4Sp.

3.63b - Polish 1201-1335 - Only needs 12 castings (3 x 4Sp).

4.66 Later Polish - I can already 'fudge' this from my existing collection (mainly Russians).

I have a few unpainted Russian Cv so making a dedicated general's element is a distinct possibility.  Other troops can come from other existing DBA armies.

Looks like some simple painting and I will have two more DBA armies to add to my collection.

Using this as inspiration I am moving on to Eastern Europe - starting with the Turkomans.






Friday, 13 May 2022

Meso-American Miscellany

 Getting tired of painting Americans but I did manage to finish off a few 'waifs and strays'.

(1)  Mayas - 2 x 3Ax (to make up the numbers) plus 1 x 4Bd general with Ah Canul bodyguard -

All Gladiator figures.

(2)  A few extras including:
      1 x 4Pk(general); 1 x 4Pk bodyguard;
      2 x 3Ax;  4 x 3Pk

The 3Pk are Mound Builder stinkards (300MB106) - useful in a number of roles.  All Eureka figures.

(3)  I also added some Mound Builders to their box:  2 x 3Bw (to make up the numbers);  

       1 x 4Bd; 1 x general on Litter.

Now moving on to Poles and Turkomans.


Saturday 7th May 2022 - Gt. Houghton

I took along my newly painted Meso-Americans:
4.19a  Tarascan                      v  4.63   Aztec                                    5:3 win
4.53   Zapotec                        v  4.9    Eastern Forest American      4:1 win
4.63   Aztec                           v  3.22d  Maya (1462-1546)              4:0 win
4.19c  Spanish & Tlaxcalan  v  4.63   Aztec                                    4:0  loss

Last fight was a 25mm 'lucky dip':
2.13   Samnite              v  2.50   Hasmonean Jewish                         4:3 win

Thursday, 5 May 2022


 Another Meso-American army comes off the painting table.  Hadn't realised that the bases were un-flocked.  Ho Hum!

16 elements in total - pic 1 shows:  6 x 3Ax; 2 x Ps slings


This time:  4 x 3Bw; 1 x Ps slings; 2 x 4Ax suit-wearers; 1 x 4Ax general

Being mainly auxilia make this a lightweight army.  The fast bow and psiloi stops it from being one dimensional - but it has no punch.


Although I have enough figures for a Toltec army I am not motivated to build it.  If I want to field an army of  11 x 4Bd plus 1 Ps I will dig out my Vikings.

There is still a litter on my paint table but once that is finished I will be moving on to Eastern Europe.


Saturday 30th April - Gt.Houghton

'Straight' DBA:
3.1b  Western Slav          v   3.53  East Frankish       4:0 win
3.40b  Viking 850-1280  v  2.81d  Strathclyde          6:0 loss

'Double' DBA:
3.28  Carolingian             v  3.40a  Viking 790-849   8:3 loss

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Another One Bites the Dust


After completing the Aztecs (minus Hordes) I can add another to my Meso-American collection.  Appropriate really as the Tarascans were bitter enemies and often beat their more famous 'brothers'.

Given that this is a bow heavy army that's quite surprising.  However, as various fights in 15 & 20mm scales have shown, re-fights mirror reality (or history anyway).  

On a side note 3 of the elements are mixed Bw & Sp that are treated exactly the same as any other solid Bw.  I can't help feeling that there should be some sort of differentiation but can't quite figure out what it should be.


Next on the painting table are various fillers:

3 x Maya (2 x 3Ax & 1 x 4Bd)

5 x Polonesian/Melanesian (2 x 4Pk & 3 x 3Bd/Ax)

In the Meso-American world there are half finished trays of Toltecs & Mixtec/Zapotec - but I need a break from them.

DBA @ Gt.Houghton - Sat 2.4.22 - Carthaginian scenarios (5 of)

I took the role of 'Rebels' and scored:

5:1 win        5:3 loss            4:0 win
5:2 win        4:0 loss

2 x 'Normal' games:

1.61a  Early Carthaginian     v 1.52i   Italiot Hoplite                     4:0 loss
1.53   Saitic Egyptian            v 2.7     Later Achaemenid Persian  4:2 loss


DBA @ Gt.Houghton - Sat 9.4.22 - 'Arabs'

4.20   Ayyubid Egyptian  v 3.12    Christian Nubian              4:0 win
3.74a  Rum                       v 4.1a    Komnenan Byzantine       4:2 win
3.70   Tuareg                     v 3.70   Tuareg                               4:3 win
3.66   Fatimid Egyptian    v 4.17    Later Crusader                 5:0 loss
3.49   Tulunid  Egyptian   v 3.65    Nikephorian Byzantine    4:2 win 

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Whatever Happened To......

 Are you humming the signature tune?

 Back in the days of yore I broke up my 6th Edition Aztecs.  The idea was to form as many DBA (Meso-American) armies as possible from the stock. The Aztecs have just been painted up.


The eagle-eyed will spot that there are only 11 elements in this group. I didn't like the Tlaxcalan shieldbearers so swapped them for more suitable figures.  They have now been moved to the head of the painting queue.

Checking the DBA army lists made me realise that I needed 2 x 3 Ax and 1 x 4 Bd (g) so that I have all the options. An order was sent off for Gladiator figures [I also spotted some Thracians with long spears].

After finding out that the 2 x Pk(F) just don't work for me in this Inca army I produced some alternative hordes.  Of course these are so generic that they could appear in many of armies (including the Aztecs).

 Still on the painting boards are - Tarascans, Mixtec/Zapotec and Toltecs.  There's also the small matter of the Pueblo Cultures but that's a matter for another day.

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Loose Ends

(A)  Haiti

When I joined the DBN (Facebook) group I posted files on the Ottomans and the Qajars.  I also mentioned that there were entries on my old blog for the conflict in Haiti.  Turns out that they were either never posted or have been lost.  Sounds like a cue for a new series.'s another blogger interested in the period:

British 14th Light Dragoons
British 69th Regt of Foot
Rebel Artillery
Revolution Generals
Royal Artillery
Uhlans Britanniques
York Hussars


(B)  Napoleon in Egypt (plastics) - my stocks only contributed 3 additional packets of soldiers:

24 x HaT 8296 - Early to Mid French Marching - bicornes, unexciting
56 x Strelets M068 - French in Egypt - bicornes
52 x Strelets M071 - British Light Inf in Egypt - 40 tarletons, 8 brimmed hat & 4 bandana

The 'brimmed hat' men could find themselves serving in all sorts of wars - AWI, ACW, Haiti, Boer and other 'colonial' conflicts.  The bandana men could be destined to become pirates or the authorities chasing them.

Note:  When I originally built my AWI 'British Legion' I had to convert many figures just to get the horsemen.  The infantry had to be just re-paints (green not red).  Of course I could now replace my old BL figures but that would mean re-painting the previous efforts (don't think that I will bother).


(C)  DBA Review

Here's the summary for 6th February 2022:

Book 1 - 86/142  -  60.56%  -  WIP  10
Book 2 - 169/193 -  87.56%  -  WIP  3
Book 3 - 96/129  -  74.42%  -  WIP  5
Book 4 - 63/141  -  44.68%  -  WIP  24

Combined  -  414/605  - 68.43%  -  WIP  42

No real change in the proportions for each book represented.  Book 2 is still way out in front with Book 4 trailing along behind.  

Looking closer at Book 2 gives the following missing armies:

14                       Ariarthid Kappadokian
42a & b              Tamil
43                       Maccabaean Jewish
45a & b              Servile Wars
50                       Hasmonaean Jewish
54a & b              Scots-Irish
59                       Jewish Revolt
60                       Caledonian
68a & b              Pictish  
69a, b & c          Sassanid Persian
80a, b & c          Huns
83b                     Later Visigothic


Tamils would require some expensive models but I have the foot.
The 3 x Jewish armies might be a 'job lot' that could be worked upon.  
Similar situation with the 'North British' group - Scots-Irish, Caledonians & Picts.

Anyway..just my thoughts at the moment.


Friday, 11 February 2022

Things DBA


Attack and take of the Crête-à-Pierrot (4 - march 24, 1802). Original illustration by Auguste Raffet, engraving by Hébert.


 (a) 1/72 Plastics - managed to identify 6 more sprues:

HaT 8304 - British Napoleonic Infantry Command - 4h,3r,15ft
HaT 8297 - French Napoleonic Infantry Command - 2h, 2r, 15ft

This leaves only about 20 miscellaneous figures which will, no doubt, end up in the spares box.

Of limited direct use in the Egyptian campaign but could serve in Haiti.

(b) Russians - combining all options for the 3 DBN lists gives the following requirements:

57 foot  -  24 horse  - 5 guns & crew  

Now need to look through the 15mm metals that have been sitting around in my living room for far too long.

Of course I need to do some more research on the Russo-Turkish wars in order to see what variations applied after the end of the Napoleonic Wars.  


Sat 6th Feb 2022 - Gt. Houghton - 'Fighting in Italy'

1.36b Sardinian v 2.33 Polybian Roman                           4:0 loss
2.12 Alex Macedonian v 2.17a Lysimachid                      4:1 loss
1.52i Italiot Hoplite v 1.61a  Early Carthaginian              1:4 win
2.8c Apulian v 2.13  Samnite                                            2:4 win
2.16e Peithon v 2.16a Antigonos                                      2:4 win

As usual much was owed to the capricious dice rolls.  

Sat 8th January 2022 - Gt.Houghton - 'Biblicals'

1.15  Later Amorite v  1.2a Early Egyptian                         4:0 win
1.4b Guti 'Great Revolt' v 1.9 Early Syrian                         0:5 loss
1.25b  Early Neo-Assyrian v 1.34a Later Hebrew              4:0 loss
1.37b Taurus Highlanders v 1.44a Early Neo-Babylonian  4:0 loss

Great start but downhill from there on.

Sat 22nd January 2022 - Gt.Houghton - 'Arabs'

3.49 Tulunid Egyptian v 3.65 Nikephorian Byzantine     4:1 win
2.55c  v  3.12  Christian Nubian                                       4:2 loss
2.62b  Abyssinian v 2.23a Nomad                                    4:3 loss
3.25b  Arab Conquest  v  3.29 Thematic  Byzantine        4:2  loss
3.31 Umayyad v 2.83b Later Visigothic                           5:0 loss

Same pattern as last time.

Sunday, 6 February 2022

Napoleon in Egypt - Progress Report


Looking out my kitchen window I can see the weather changing from rain to sunshine to sleet to high winds.  You would think that it's too cold to be even a wargaming butterfly but, apparently, not.  

On a whim I purchased a load of figures that I thought suitable for my 'Napoleon in Egypt' project.  Once I got the package I realised just how much  I would have to prep.  The majority are Strelets with their awful sprues - my hand is still aching from the effort.

As in any 'job lot' I have had to sort  them into various categories.  Some sprues are still unidentified but this list constitutes the bulk of them.

(a)  Immediately Useful:

133 x Strelets M068 - French Line in Egypt (bicornes)
 48 x Strelets M069 -  French Light Infantry in Egypt
 82 x Strelets M070 -  British Line Infantry in Egypt
 40 x Strelets M071 -  British Light Infantry in Egypt (tarleton)
 14 x Strelets 078 -   French Artillery - no guns
 13 x Strelets 079 -   British Artillery - 4 guns
 12 x Strelets 118 -   French Hussars in Egypt

(b)  Of Some Use:

18 x HaT 8098 - British Marines & Sailors (8:10) - unfortunately no guns.  The sailors will probably end up as Renaissance pirates.

(c)  No Use - dispose of or swap:

11 x Russian Streltsi 'bonus figures'
90 x HaT 8036 - British Light Infantry (shakos)
42 x Strelets 146 - Highlanders in Attack

Once I have identified the 'stragglers' I will have to venture up into the loft to find my stock figures.  Not looking forward to that chilly venture.