.....you get 6 dinosaurs of a suitable size.
Now I have to check what colours these dinos should be. "Walking With Dinosaurs" put forward the idea that these creatures were far more colourful than previously thought. Alas yet more research to do!
On another matter......I was sorting out the unpainted pile within my Khmer/Cham 15mm box when I discover these:
The Khmer are all Irregular - these are clearly not. Does anyone have any idea what these strays are?
Saturday 22nd June 2019 - Gt. Houghton
4 games of DBA v3.0:
(1) 2.3a Classical Indian v 2.10b Tamil Indian - 4:1 win
(2) 2.23a Pre-Islamic Arab v 2.22c Parthian - 4:1 win
(3) 2.64b Middle Imperial Roman v 2.22c Arabo-Aramaean - 4:3 win
(4) 2.2 Mountain Indian v 1.43c Massagetae - 5:2 loss
Monday 25th June 2019 - WDW
Sparse attendance today with only 2 games going on:
Rapid Fire (WW2) - Germans v Americans
DBM - Patrician Roman v Early Ostrogoth - a close run thing. The Roman right broke first followed by their opponents on the same flank. Roman losses mounted until half the army was gone.